2009.09-2013.07 华北电力大学,学士
2013.09-2019.04 中国科学技术大学,博士
2016.10-2018.04 日本散裂中子源 访问科学家
2019.01-2021.10 北京航空航天大学 博士后
2021.11-至今 北京航空航天大学合肥创新研究院 特聘副研究员
1.P. Wu, J. Song, X. Yu, Y. Wang, K. Xia, B. Hong, L. Zu, Y. Du, P. Vallobra, F. Liu, S. Torii, T. Kamiyama, Y. Xiong and W. Zhao, Evidence of Spin Reorientation and Anharmonicity in Kagome Ferromagnet Fe3Sn2,Appl. Phys. Lett.119,082401(2021).
2.P. Wu, K. Xia, K. Peng, T. Honda, K. Ikeda, F. Liu, P. Vallobra, F. Fan, J. Song, D. Zhang, F. Yu, J. Ying, F. Zhu, T. Otomo, T. Kamiyama, and W. Zhao, Strong anharmonicity in tin monosulfide evidenced by local distortion, high-energy optical phonons, and anharmonic potential,Phys. Rev. B103, 195204 (2021).
3.P. Wu, F-R. Fan, M. Hagihala, M. Kofu, K. Peng, Y. Ishikawa, S. Lee, T. Honda, M. Yonemura, K. Ikeda, T. Otomo, G. Wang, K. Nakajima, Z. Sun, and T. Kamiyama, Strong lattice anharmonicity exhibited by the high-energy optical phonons in thermoelectrical material,New J. Phys.22, 083083 (2020).
4.P. Wu, B. Zhang, K. L. Peng, M. Hagihala, Y. Ishikawa, M. Kofu, S. H. Lee, H. Kumigashira, C. S. Hu, Z. M. Qi, K. Nakajima, G. Y. Wang, Z. Sun, and T. Kamiyama, Investigation of the electronic structure and lattice dynamics of the thermoelectric material Na-doped SnSe,Phys. Rev. B98, 094305 (2018).
5.P. Wu, Y. Ishikawa, M. Hagihala, S. Lee, K. Peng, G. Wang, S. Torii, and T. Kamiyama, Crystal structure of high-performance thermoelectric materials by high resolution neutron powder diffraction,Physica B: Condensed Matter551, 64 (2018).